
Comment history with FoxLucky


Displaying 1 - 2 of 2 comments

What link button?? I think they are starting to be *&^$ because they just rejected my brightly colored default lookalike, and it was bs because they have approved 3 others just like it, only different colors. Your stuff is good, I'd would resubmit them one at a time because certain mods approve them and certain ones are picky and usually it's the laid back mods who go though the layouts more often.

Posted by FoxLucky on Aug 2, 07 9:15 pm

hey ! ugh they rejected my layouts because i forget to take the link button down. ew, and it took awhile to set up lol. darn. and they also said it would look better with the tables bordered...which i disagree with, it's just not my style. man oh man.

Posted by VampireKisses on Aug 2, 07 8:50 pm
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  • 17 years old